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Gecko applying Machine Learning in Medical Industry

We are participating in a Machine Learning project with a US-based company Inflammatix
Published on November 15, 2019 in
Machine Learning in Medical Industry

Usage of Machine Learning, as an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed, is rapidly increasing amongst businesses from different industries.

Silicon Valley-based company Inflammatix (, for which Gecko has been providing software development services since 2017, is one of the pioneers in the application of Machine Learning in molecular diagnostics for purpose of development of rapid tests that read the immune system to resolve major clinical and public health challenges. Inflammatix was founded 3 years ago and many of its employees are alumni of Stanford University, one of the most respected educational institutions in the United States of America. Inflammatix has also closely worked with Stanford in licensing the patent-pending biomarkers for the tests some acute diseases.

As a part of our cooperation, we've had an opportunity to recently host Inflammatix' Vice President of Machine Learning, Ljubomir Buturovic Ph.D., who held a talk on Machine Learning applications in Medical Industry. The audience was mostly composed of Gecko engineering and management team, but also included some external guests interested or involved in the subject.

We thank Ljubomir Buturovic and Inflammatix for sharing the valuable knowledge with our team and look forward to our continued work with Inflammatix, as well as other future endeavors in Machine Learning and AI.

Artificial Intelligence, as a field of computer science focusing on the creation of smart machines that can replicate human behavior, which is a wide area encompassing Machine Learning, is one of the highest growth areas in technology, in both interest and application. Per Statista, the global market of AI is expected to be almost $60 billion by the year 2025, up from $1.4 billion in 2016, while PWC estimates that the impact of AI to global GDP growth will be $15.7 trillion by 2030. Along with growing applications of Machine Learning different industries (for now, we've had the opportunity to use it for building software for Sports and Medical Industry), Gecko remains focused on AI/ML as one of the key interests for the future.